第185章 世界格局在改变0.2








    “As subordinates, although we can take the initiative to care about the master's body and life, we should never mention the master's body and life outside.”


    “Otherwise, if these news are known by the enemy, the master will be fine and we will fall.“


    “The most important thing is that the master is targeted at the weak point, struggling fruitlessly and suicidal.“


    “I know that, and I won't tell you about it, but it's because the hunter I trust you that I bring it up to you.“


    “I just want to know what kind of terminal illness the host has, and how many months' life is left!“



    “Master, he doesn't have a terminal disease, and his vitality is very good... Why do you think that the master has a terminal disease and has a few months' vitality?“


