第十五章 死星设计图纸













































    iperial star destroyer 帝国歼星舰


    1,600 eters long












    kuat drive yards




    the triangur silhouette of an iperial cruiser has e a long ay sce its republic-spired design hile vessels of the jedi order ere et ith feelgs of pride and relief as they cae arg to lve gactic strife, the iperial star destroyer's gargantuan size cleary spires both ae and terror


    the ed-shaped capital ship is

    istlg ith eapons epceents turbosers and tractor bea projectors dot its surface its ventral bay can unch tie fighters, boardg craft, nd assault units, hyperspace probes, or be ed to hold captured craft its btlg

    id is staffed by the fest creers  the iperial starfleet


    the star destroyer is regnized as the signature vessel of the iperial fleet its presence  a syste arks atters of extree iperial iport though, as is typical of the epire, not even the star destroyer as enough to sate the iperial hunr for dispys of poer rr vessels, such as the super star destroyer, darf even these giants



    lira essex, iperial ener, built her ork on the shoulders of giants her father, alex blissex, had developed the venerable victory-css star destroyer for the republic, as ell as nuero other starcraft designs fro these, essex proposed the iperial-css design, a proposal that as debated at great lengths ith the epire's elite ranks


    essex proved the nay-sayers rong hen the first iperial-css star destroyer bered fro the spralg kuat drive yards drydocks the resultg ship is a arvel of technology, and testaent to the epire's ight


    there are hole systes hose gross doestic product is less than the st of a sgle star destroyer there are entire nations that, throughout their history, do not expend as uch energy as a star destroyer does durg a hyperspace jup poerg the 16 kiloeter-long craft is nothg short of a iature sun -- a r ionization reactor buls fro the ventral spe, g its ragg fires to fuel the giant arship


    the iperial-css star destroyer

    istles ith 60 turboser batteries, 60 ion cannon batteries, and 10 tractor bea projectors it carries a full stortrooper division, 20 at-ats, 30 at-sts, eight bda-css shuttles, 12 ndg bars, and six tie sadrons


    sce its troduction, an iproved odel of star destroyer al sa action the iperial-ii star destroyer is an upgraded odel ith creased hull shieldg, and ore eapons, sportg 100 turboser epceents, 20 ion cannons, and 10 tractor bea projectors



    the script for a ne hope, the ter “iperial cruiser“ as rly synonyo ith star destroyer, hich is never said aloud until the epire strikes back  early draft scripts, the ter stardestroyer as a pound ord described ty o-an fighter craft ed by the epire


    for a ne hope, il ed a sgle star destroyer odel for all the reired shots  the fil ironically, the odel of the devastator, darth vader's ship, as saller than the rebel blockade runner it as chasg this 91-centieter long iature sported a distctive x-shaped structure on its and

    id, hich subseent publications identified as an advanced tractor bea grid


    sce the star destroyer ould be heavily featured  the epire strikes back, il redid the odel fro scratch, this tie bupg up its size to an ipressive 259 centieters  length this odel as uch ore detailed, and featured ternal lights to give it a greater sense of scale


    epide ii reveals that the iperial star destroyer's ed-shaped design as born out of republic-era vessels, such as those ed by the jedi knights




    iperial theta-css shuttle 帝国“西塔级”穿梭机


    185 eters long 185 eters tall




    2 ad ser cannons 1 aft ser cannon




    gactic epire




    elite pernnel transport




    cygn spaceorks




    the political stability surroundg the clone ars propted the republic's ost iportant leaders to travel  ell-ared nveyances,  order to thart ould be assasss and kidnappers durg his ascension to eperor, palpate traveled  a distctive tri-d shuttle that as a har

    of iperial design trends to e


    the elegant ship featured an articuted g syste that deployed the gs  a spyed, teral nfiguration durg flight durg descent and ndg, the gs folded uards, to allo the ndg skids to extend fro the botto of the craft


    palpate fle  this vessel durg his voya to tafar, to rever the rued for of his apprentice, darth vader



    crafted by cygn spaceorks, the theta-css t-2c is a ell ared craft, sportg o forard-ounted ad ser cannons and an aft ser cannon its

    oad g surfaces distributed poerful deflector shield energy, akg the vessel rearkably tough


    palpate's pernal shuttle underent ctoization by the fest starship technicians  the gaxy the -called “arthan's izards“ stalled a hyperave reflector-based transission and receiver rig to keep palpate  touch ith developents across the gaxy the vessel as al led ith senr asks that prevented scanners fro peerg side the shuttle's private cabs side ere a trove of sister sith devices and nctions designed to bend the ill of victis and strengthen palpate's nnection to the dark side


    the early years of the epire, talented designers at cygn spaceorks ere red to the sienar fleet systes rporation, here they adapted their older designs to the dba-css shuttles ed by iperial officials



    the eperor's shuttle as clearly designed as a har

    to the bda-css shuttles seen  the origal trilogy the tri-g design as ade less angur, ith a less aggressive ckpit to ften the obvioness of its role as a vil's transport the only practical eleent of the shuttle nstructed as its boardg rap, hich as shot agast greenscreen for the scene of eperor palpate eergg ith anak skyalker's charred body on rcant
