第131章 相互合作





    “Instead of sharing resources, interfering in each other's internal affairs, and opposing parties in different countries!“


    “So, on this basis, on the premise of the previous words, I set up a big plan, which is divided into 12 stages.“

    “C'est sur cette base que j'ai mis en place un plan d'ensemble comprenant 12 phases, sur la base de ce qui précède.”


    “ pour mener à bien la première phase, j'ai présenté trois plans supplémentaires pour permettre le démarrage de la première phase.”

    “In order to complete the task of the first stage, I put forward three plans to meet the requirements of the first stage.“






    “Economy is the creation, transformation and Realization of value. Human economic activity is the activity of creating, transforming and realizing value to meet the needs of human material and cultural life.“
